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ART STUDIO TOUR and exhibition of chaussette b.' s work Cheung Chau, Hong Kong during INTER-ISLAND FESTIVAL
When : Friday 26th / Saturday 27th & Sunday 28th March 2021 time-slots available from 11 am to 4 pm
Where : : chaussette b. 's studio in Cheung Chau, exact location will be sent after booking
How can i join the tour? You can book a tour upon this link
How long is the tour? 30-45 min
Is it free? yes
How many people can join the tour?Maximum pax per session is 4 ppl. Number of people can be adjusted at any moment regarding the covid situation.
Mandatory mask wearing an hand-sanitisation are required
After completed your booking, if session is fully booked , you will receive an e-mail with other time-slots choices
What to expect from the tour?
You will step into one of Cheung Chau’s typical 50's house for an interactive immersion in my studio
I will let you know more about my paintography process and my current mix media work using materials such as bamboo, cords, wood… mainly sourced locally in Cheung Chau.
Around 40 artworks will be exhibited during the Festival and i will let you know the stories behind.
Each participant will receive a MAP of the studio so they can walk around in the studio and discover my different artworks.
To have a glimpse of the tour you can check the video above
Which language will be used?english speaking but Studio Map and artworks' explanation both cantonese and english
What is the inter-island festival about?During 3 days, the Inter-island Festival sails in between Peng Chau, Mui Wo, Chi Ma Wan and Cheung Chau to celebrate our dear island life. With more than 50 collaborators from these islands and beyond, you will discover a variety of activities for everyone and dive into the local life and embrace its subtle cosiness.
more informations on
Any other question? Do not hesitate to contact me
chaussette b.的長洲藝術世界
chaussette b.
在建於五十年代的長洲大屋中的工作室,發掘chaussette b.藝術品背後的故事。與藝術家和她的作品交流,了解其「繪畫攝影」的製作過程,以及她運用竹、籃、魚網等長洲物料製作的混合媒介作品。chaussette b.將會展示約40件作品。
2021.03.26-28 (五﹣日)
Registration :
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